Serving Tri-city Area over 30 Years

At Prescott Valley Growers Wholesale, we stand as the largest wholesale supplier in the Prescott Valley area,

dedicated to assisting landscapers, contractors, big and small businesses in bringing vibrancy and vitality to their projects.

By choosing to partner with us, you gain access to our extensive inventory featuring a wide range of plants, shrubs, roses, evergreen trees, deciduous trees, and B+B material (bareroot and burlap).

Additionally, we offer unique offerings like Pyramid Christmas Trees, compost mulch, lodgepoles, gypsum, and more. Join us today and unlock a world of possibilities for your landscaping and business needs.

We offer delivery!

Our Stock

Commercial Landscape Project?

Planning a significant project ahead? Rest assured, we are well-equipped with a vast selection of plants, trees, shrubs, pines, and supplies to cater to your large-scale needs. With a widespread supply chain across the nation, we are ready to support your ambitious undertaking.